
Brady, Champion English Creme Golden Retriever

Best in Show Champion, Brady, English Cream Retriever

Champion Pat Joy’s English Lord Brady

Brady is ranked Number 4 in points for Top Veteran and 49th Top Dog in points for all ages in the USA in overall points in 2019 for All Breeds of Veteran Dogs in ICKC shows.

Brady is the father to our mother dogs. Xandra is their mother. Brady won Best in Show March 2019. He also won Best Veteran in Show 4 times that same weekend. He is an incredibly well put together stud dog. We are blessed to have such a fantastic father/grandfather to our dogs. Brady is fully health tested and certified with OFA and DNA.

Brady’s Embark DNA

Brady’s OFA CHIC

English Creme golden retriever

Brady, English Creme Golden Retriever, grandpa of puppies

Stud dog English Creme Champion father

Brady, father Golden Retriever. English Creme stud dog
